Charlie Valentine Interview with Daniel Smith
Charlie Valentine Interview with Daniel Smith


Daniel Smith

Oh my gosh, who do we have here?

Charlie Valentine

I'm Charlie Valentine.

Daniel Smith

Charlie Valentine. You look so freaking hot today.

Charlie Valentine

Thank you.

Daniel Smith

You and you're tall.

Charlie Valentine

I am.

Daniel Smith

How tall are you?

Charlie Valentine

About 5'9".

Daniel Smith

5'9", with heels like...

Charlie Valentine

Ugh, not tall enough.

Daniel Smith

You like being tall.

Charlie Valentine

I love it.

Daniel Smith

Really? What do you like about it?

Charlie Valentine

Is there something like very sexy and like kind of powering? And you know, I like kind of like towering over men.

Daniel Smith


Charlie Valentine

Yeah, I do.

Daniel Smith

So you have like more dominant or submissive energy?

Charlie Valentine

I've got both, but it's fun to tap into the dominant.

Daniel Smith

Yeah, yeah, like you can be like more submissive.

Charlie Valentine

Taking up space with the heels and feeling super hot.

Daniel Smith

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Do you work out a lot?

Charlie Valentine

I do, I do. Do a lot of hot yoga, bar, cycling. I do it all. I just sweat. I keep the press.

Daniel Smith

Oh my, yeah, speaking of which. Jesus Christ, that's like a beautiful, perfect, amazing hat. Wait, when did you know you like to take it up your ass?

Charlie Valentine

In high school, my first serious boyfriend.

Daniel Smith

Really? He just fucked you in the ass?

Charlie Valentine

Yes. Yeah, we were together for like three years, but I was like, like we were fucking like rabbits for like right off the jump, like doing everything, watching all sorts of porn, trying all sorts of things, just being young little freaks.

Daniel Smith

What made you want to get into porn? Like you just like fucking?

Charlie Valentine

I do love fucking. Basically, like I did camming on a whim with a girlfriend because I was in a sexless relationship.

Daniel Smith

Really? Someone was with you and didn't want to fuck you?

Charlie Valentine

Yeah, like my career was like amazing. So like every other portion of my life was so good. And I was like, wait, am I not a sexual person anymore?

Daniel Smith


Charlie Valentine

And then I tried the camming and like, yeah.

Daniel Smith

You loved it.

Charlie Valentine

You didn't love it. No, I did love it. Just the sexlessness. It was not me, it was the relationship and I really took to it. I had people in my family that had done sex work.

Daniel Smith

Really? In your family? Yes. Oh my gosh.

Charlie Valentine

In your family. Like who?

Daniel Smith

Like a brother, sister?

Charlie Valentine

My younger sister. And then like I actually also did lineage on myself and I come from something called Lafitte Roy.

Daniel Smith


Charlie Valentine

There was a French king who sent all over all his male settlers to North America and they were doing great, but they could not carry on any sort of legacy or establish any sort of community. So he basically like handpicked a couple hundred women to like sell them off to these men. So I come from a long line of whoring.

Daniel Smith

No way. 

Charlie Valentine


Daniel Smith

Like your great great great grandmother was a whore.

Charlie Valentine


Daniel Smith

Oh my gosh.

Charlie Valentine

So, you know, it's in the blood.

Daniel Smith

Wait, so now in your personal life, are you like kind of like a whore?

Charlie Valentine

No, I get it all out and work. I'm all business in my personal life and I get to be like a complete freak in my work.

Daniel Smith

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Charlie Valentine

It's safe. I get to dress up like it's yeah, I love it.

Daniel Smith

But you still masturbate all the time.

Charlie Valentine

Oh my God. Yes.

Daniel Smith

Do you?

Charlie Valentine

Yes, like constantly. Yeah, yeah, because it's like dating is a no-go, but I still get our kicks.

Daniel Smith

So what do you do? Like, how do you masturbate? Tell me everything.

Charlie Valentine

Well, I mean, I used to just be like there. I have like a vibrator that I've literally had for way too long to admit and it's just like... 

Daniel Smith's rusting. 

Charlie Valentine

Yeah, it's not quite rusting, but she's just like when I think about it, I'm like, she's been with me for a long time.

Daniel Smith

Wait, wait, while you talk, tell me the story. Can you lay it laid back so I can kind of see like, yeah, nice to like take a view of your pussy while you talk to me. Okay.


Charlie Valentine

So your vibrator that's like yeah, so I have my vibrator and it's like old like trusty like literally get me off and like less than two minutes and I love it. But I've since like graduated to using like glassware dildos. Oh, and I just recently bought my first fuck machine and I found that that is probably the easiest way I can squirt now.

Wow, that's like definitely been added to the repertoire. Like I had no idea how much I was going to like a fuck machine, but 

Daniel Smith

so you just turn it on your fucking yourself by yourself. 

Charlie Valentine


Daniel Smith

Are you watching porn at all? Like do you watch porn?

Charlie Valentine

Yeah. Yeah. No, I definitely need to be like visually stimulated.

I'm like in the ADD generation. Like I can't like my imagine if you if I try to go on my imagination, I'm going to be thinking about like my grocery list like three seconds later, right?

Daniel Smith

And then you're like wait, why am I getting turned on by my grocery list?

Charlie Valentine

Right? Exactly.

Daniel Smith

What kind of porn do you watch?

Charlie Valentine

I watch all sorts of porn, but I generally tend to like gonzo the most like just getting straight to it.

Daniel Smith

Straight to it.

Charlie Valentine

Yeah. I mean, I tend to like rougher like harder fucking. I'm not necessarily a girl who like needs like ...

Daniel Smith


Charlie Valentine

You can love and still fuck hard. I think I just like like just passionate fucking no matter how you slice it. Like I just I just don't like timidness.

I don't need like ... soft.

Daniel Smith

you want certainess.

Charlie Valentine

Yes, exactly.

Daniel Smith

Got it. Got it. 

Charlie Valentine

That's what I need.

Daniel Smith

Speaking of which do you have a favorite like body part?

Charlie Valentine

Um, well, I mean, I love my ass and I love my waist and I love my hips. I think...

Daniel Smith

that's like that's like your number one.

Charlie Valentine

Yeah, and I think most everybody else like that's kind of 

Daniel Smith

Do you love your pussy?

Charlie Valentine

I love my pussy.

Daniel Smith

Wait, can you come to the edge so we can see your pussy and your ass? Oh my God. Wow.

Look at that. That's a beautiful pussy.

Charlie Valentine

Thank you. I made her myself.

Daniel Smith

Have you ever fisted yourself?

Charlie Valentine

Um, so I fisted my ass. I've not fisted my pussy.

Daniel Smith

You fisted your ass. I like how you went to the ass first.

Charlie Valentine

My ass has proved to be a much more malleable part of my body. 

Daniel Smith


Charlie Valentine

I did. I've done a pussy fisting porno before and it was the challenge.

It was the challenge. 

Daniel Smith


Charlie Valentine

you know, I had some lovely delicate little lady hands that made their way in there, but not without a fight.

Daniel Smith

You have a beautiful pussy.

Charlie Valentine

Thank you.

Daniel Smith

You know that though. You like your pussy and I found out you're flexible too. You can suck your own toes.

Charlie Valentine

Yes, let's see.

Daniel Smith

Oh my God, Charlie Valentine, you're dirty, dirty girl. We're going to go. 

Charlie Valentine

I have clean feet.

Daniel Smith

Yeah, no, no, clean feet, dirty girl.

That's how we like them. Oh my gosh. We're gonna have so much fun with you today.

Charlie Valentine

I'm ready.

Daniel Smith

So are we. We'll see you soon.

Charlie Valentine
