Melissa Stratton interview with Romeo Mancini
Melissa Stratton interview with Romeo Mancini


00:06 - 00:36

Romeo Mancini: What's up you guys? Melissa Stratton in the house. You will think she's probably a real estate agent or maybe you know she's like she works in the news or no she is a porn star yeah she fooled us you know you will never think and we're lucky that you know she chose this career over fucking real estate.

00:36 - 00:37

Melissa Stratton: You're welcome.

00:38 - 00:40

Romeo Mancini: We're so lucky. I'm so excited.

00:40 - 00:41

Melissa Stratton: Me too.

00:42 - 00:45

Romeo Mancini: Well, that's awesome. Yeah. How long have you been in the industry?

00:46 - 00:48

Melissa Stratton: This was my first year.

00:49 - 00:50

Romeo Mancini: First year and you're already killing it.

00:51 - 00:53

Melissa Stratton: Yeah. I enjoy it.

00:54 - 00:56

Romeo Mancini: Are you already getting a lot of like good feedback.

00:57 - 00:58

Melissa Stratton: I think so, yeah.

00:58 - 01:00

Romeo Mancini: Di you get nominated this year?

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01:00 - 01:02

Melissa Stratton: I was nominated for 2 fan awards at AVN.

01:03 - 01:21

Romeo Mancini: Yeah. I mean, you know, usually the first year, it's, you know, depending on when you started. Yeah, it's it. But I'm sure like next year you're gonna get so many. Right at the top. For sure. For sure. We know that. Good. You know, and we know you're so confident that, you know, you're gonna win.

01:21 - 01:25

Melissa Stratton: Well, I just like to work hard. I feel like hard work is rewarded.

01:25 - 01:26

Romeo Mancini: Hard work always pays off.

01:27 - 01:32

Romeo Mancini: Right? What's your favorite part about like, you know, working in porn?

01:34 - 01:38

Melissa Stratton: So many things I like but I think I really enjoy it.

01:38 - 01:39

Romeo Mancini: Tell me a few.

01:39 - 01:48

Melissa Stratton: I think I really enjoy like the variety like every day is different. It's a different scenario it's a different guy different girl I love the variety of porn.

01:49 - 01:53

Romeo Mancini: How important is sex in general in your life, from 1 to 10?

01:53 - 02:04

Melissa Stratton: my God, it's so important. It actually is really important for my mental health. I feel like I always need that daily release in order to function and be happy.

02:04 - 02:06

Romeo Mancini: Have you've always been a very sexual person?

02:07 - 02:16

Melissa Stratton: No, but I'm definitely like a closet freak. Like I think when people meet me or like you know it's not something I talk about like openly but like you know people that know me and like ex-boyfriends.

02:18 - 02:31

Romeo Mancini: I think that, you know, personally, I feel it's a little, I don't know, it's sexier, you know, that, I don't know that you're a huge slut, you know?

02:31 - 02:32

Melissa Stratton: You don't know it?

02:32 - 02:38

Romeo Mancini: True. Like when I meet you, and then, you know, like when I find out and I'm like, oh my God.

02:39 - 02:40

Melissa Stratton: I know, cause you want to see.

02:40 - 03:06

Romeo Mancini: I mean, it's like, I mean, you know, I don't know. I think it's a little overrated when they're like, you know Hi, my name is you know, Melissa and I'm gonna suck your cock. You're like, oh fuck You know I'm saying Like they tell you right there and then I'm like, oh, fuck, you know? Yeah, I'm happy. Yeah. Come suck my cock. But you could have like, you know, like teased me a little bit, you know?

03:06 - 03:07

Melissa Stratton: I think mystery is sexy.

03:08 - 03:10

Romeo Mancini: The flirting, the mystery,

03:10 - 03:22

Melissa Stratton: Well, I want it to feel special too. Even in my porn scenes, I want to pretend like I'm the girl that you wanted to have on set today, you know? And I'm the only girl you're ever going to want to have on set.

03:23 - 03:25

Romeo Mancini: But you're also the only girl that I have on set.

03:26 - 03:27

Melissa Stratton: See? It works.

03:28 - 03:37

Romeo Mancini: There you go. And that's for a reason, you know? Because I wanted to have you on set. Thank you. Fucking amazing. So we're going to shoot a couple of scenes.

03:38 - 03:39

Romeo Mancini: How do you like cream pies?

03:40 - 03:42

Melissa Stratton: I do. Yeah? Yeah.

03:42 - 03:50

Romeo Mancini: Whats your favorite you know what what turns you on the most like a cream pie facial like where where where do you want?

03:50 - 04:06

Melissa Stratton: So I actually I love to watch. I am a little bit of a voyeur. So I love when I can watch a man come. So anywhere on the front of my body is usually my favorite. Cause then I get to like really watch that moment and like take it all in.

04:07 - 04:14

Romeo Mancini: I just love that. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I can see that. I like, you know, I like to see the girl come as well. It turns me

04:15 - 04:21

Melissa Stratton: Me too. Right? Yeah. Guys are the same way. Like you want to watch us come. I want to watch you come to not just feel it Like I want to see it.

04:23 - 04:45

Romeo Mancini: Well, yeah, that's interesting. Well today you you probably gonna see me cumming. We'll see what happens we'll see let's see what I can do What a man has to do to impress you or you know to get you know. What do you like in a man?

04:46 - 05:16

Melissa Stratton: What does it take for a man to catch my attention? With people around them, like can read a room, you know? And it's funny, cause like looks, age, height, it really doesn't matter to me. Like I've been with all types, like I've had all types of exes and I just, yeah, it's more like the mental stuff that excites me.

05:17 - 05:18

Romeo Mancini: It seems like you're describing me.

05:19 - 05:21

Melissa Stratton: I might be. Who knows?

05:21 - 05:23

Romeo Mancini: Or maybe it's 1 of your tricks.

05:24 - 05:28

Melissa Stratton: God, no. See, I'm not, no, I tell it like it is.

05:30 - 05:30

Romeo Mancini: Okay.

05:30 - 05:31

Melissa Stratton: I do like you.

05:32 - 05:37

Romeo Mancini: That's awesome. Well, that you know, that's a two-way street. So.

05:39 - 05:48

Romeo Mancini: Whats your next goal? What's your, you know, especially like 2023, what, what, do you have any goal in the industry in general?

05:49 - 06:20

Melissa Stratton: I have a couple People and companies that I want to work with like you and so I like checking those off my my list But I also my first year I wasn't sure how often I wanted to shoot and what types of scenes I wanted to shoot So I took it really slow I only did like 20 scenes last year Just like 1 here, 1 there And I really fell in love with it I think because I was able to kind of take it slow Do it at my own pace And now I want to do a lot more my goal is to do at least 60 scenes

06:20 - 06:21

Romeo Mancini: You'll switch it up a notch

06:22 - 06:23

Melissa Stratton: Yeah, I  want to go all in

06:24 - 06:27

Romeo Mancini: Thats fucking awesome So it's gonna be a busy year.

06:27 - 06:29

Melissa Stratton: Yes it is. Yeah, I love it

06:34 - 06:38

Romeo Mancini: Whats a red flag in a guy? The biggest red flag.

06:38 - 06:56

Melissa Stratton: The biggest red flag I think is, oh, that's tough. There's so many. And it is really easy to turn me off. And I think the biggest way is watching how a guy treats other people. So especially like on a date, like how they treat like the waitress or the Uber driver.

06:56 - 06:57

Romeo Mancini: Oh wow.

06:57 - 07:04

Melissa Stratton: Thats huge for me, you know, like how respectful they are towards other people because it's a direct indicator of how they're gonna respect you.

07:05 - 07:41

Romeo Mancini: I agree. I can't stand when I'm like, you know, when I see like women like, you know, I meant to or people in general. I mean, or, you know, like they complain about something and you're like, you've never been a server, right? You know, like I'm like, I'm a humble person. You know, I'm like, you don't really know what you're talking about. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, you're just assuming that it is easy, but you're lucky you never had to do it. You know what I'm saying? So compassion, be patient in general, and polite,

07:43 - 07:50

Melissa Stratton: It goes a long way with me. And I just, anybody that brings negativity into my life, I can't have that.

07:51 - 07:53

Romeo Mancini: No thank you drama, no drama, yeah.

07:54 - 08:14

Melissa Stratton: It reminds me of another red flag with dating is guys that will like neg you, have you heard of this? So they give you like backhanded compliments or they're kind of too sarcastic. It's called like negging when they're like negative. And I can't stand that. So if you're like, oh, well you're not that pretty anyway. Like I hate that kind of stuff. I don't think that's funny.

08:14 - 08:15

Romeo Mancini: I dont think so either

08:15 - 08:15

Melissa Stratton: You should be genuine.

08:16 - 08:17

Romeo Mancini: Or thats cheap reverse psychology. Right,

08:18 - 08:19

Melissa Stratton: Reverse psychology here.

08:19 - 08:25

Romeo Mancini: Ill be straight. Yeah, yeah. I have a friend that does that a lot and he cracks me up because he's so cheap.

08:26 - 08:26

Melissa Stratton: Its exhausting.

08:27 - 08:58

Romeo Mancini: So good. And it's so predictable. And I mean, listen, I gotta say sometimes it works, you know, because Unfortunately, it's like it's a leverage With like, you know, like like the woman's confidence and stuff, you know So that's but it's a toxic way to you know because the girl is trying to prove a point you know rather than being actually interested in you you know it's like oh I'll prove you that I'm not ugly you know and you know I'm saying

08:59 - 09:04

Romeo Mancini: Instead of being like oh you know I'm actually interested in like you know what you you're saying

09:05 - 09:07

Melissa Stratton: Who wants to build a relationship on that, you know?

09:10 - 09:19

Romeo Mancini: Girls out there be careful! What's your Instagram and what's your Twitter?

09:19 - 09:30

Melissa Stratton: Instagram is MelissaStrattonXO and my Twitter is actually my original username when I started camming. It's kittybaby_cam.

09:30 - 09:32

Romeo Mancini: Okay my cuteness.

09:32 - 09:35

Melissa Stratton: Dont fall for the fakes. It's my real 1, I promise.

09:36 - 09:38

Romeo Mancini: Do you have an OnlyFans?

09:38 - 09:39

Melissa Stratton: Of course I have an OnlyFans.

09:40 - 09:41

Romeo Mancini: So, let's hear it.

09:41 - 09:44

Melissa Stratton: You can join my free page at

09:47 - 09:49

Romeo Mancini: Okay. You have 1 or 2?

09:49 - 09:59

Melissa Stratton: have 2. My free page, I've posted a lot there. My paid page is for my VIPs and that's just Stratton. Okay.

09:59 - 10:01

Romeo Mancini: How about Amazon wishlist?

10:02 - 10:06

Melissa Stratton: Of course I have an Amazon wishlist. My biggest love language is gifts.

10:06 - 10:07

Romeo Mancini: Oh really? That can be great

10:07 - 10:24

Melissa Stratton: like just, you know, like little silly things. Like 1 of my favorite things, I have a fan that always sends me like fuzzy socks. I love that. Or bigger things, designer things, love that too. So yeah, I have all my wish lists and things linked on my link tree, you can find it on my website, which is

10:24 - 10:27

Romeo Mancini: Is there anything that you really need right now?

10:27 - 10:31

Melissa Stratton: No, I'm so well taken care of, but I always appreciate when fans do things for me.

10:31 - 10:38

Romeo Mancini: Thats awesome. That shows a lot. Okay well enough with the talking you know.

10:38 - 10:39

Melissa Stratton: So let's get to the good stuff.

10:40 - 10:41

Romeo Mancini: See you later guys.